Costa Lab at UCSC.     Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.     Institute of Marine Sciences, Long Marine Lab, University of California, Santa Cruz

Tablename: common_morphs

The table contains additional information about an animal, collected during animal handling. These parameters are common for all animals and not relates to the animal taxon group.

Field nameField typeField lengthField description
sighting_id integer None Refers to the Sightings table.
estimated_age double precision None Estimated age of animal.
mass double precision None Animal mass on the sighting, gr (for birds) / kg (for mammals
age_lgt character varying 2 Indicator of less-than, greater-than for age estimate. Value can be: <,>,<=,>=
breeding_status_id integer None Refers to the breeding_status table.
age_class_id integer None Refers to the age_classes table.
common_morph_id integer None Unique record id number
length double precision None Not used
sex_id integer None Refers to the sex table.
method_id integer None Method by which animal's sex was determined.