Costa Lab at UCSC.     Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.     Institute of Marine Sciences, Long Marine Lab, University of California, Santa Cruz

Tablename: bird_morphs

Morphological measurements taken during handling of birds under study. One row per animal sighting.

Field nameField typeField lengthField description
bird_morph_id integer None Unique record id number
sighting_id integer None Refers to the associated animal sighting in the Sightings table.
culmen double precision None Measured with calipers, the length of the bird's bill from the junction between the feathers and bill above the nares, to the bill tip. Measured in mm.
tarsus double precision None Measured with calipers, it is the length of the bird's tarsal bone. Measured in mm.
max_bill_height double precision None Measured with calipers, it is the maximum height of the bill, measured at the anterior end. Measured in mm.
min_bill_height double precision None Measured with calipers, it is the minimum height of the bill measured posterior of the maximum bill height. Measured in mm. Pertains mostly to albatrosses.
shoulders double precision None Measured with a tape measure, it is the distance between the bird's shoulder blades, with the tape held against the feathers. Measured in cm.
max_girth double precision None Measured with a tape measure, it the maximum girth or distance around the widest part of the bird. Measured in cm.
wing_span double precision None Measured with a tape measure, it is the maximum length of an outstretched wing, measured from the spine to the end of the outer primaries of a single wing. Measured in cm, then doubled for total wing span.
wing_length double precision None Measured with a flat ruler, it is the length of the wing from the 'wrist' to the tip of the outer primaries with the wing press flat on top of the ruler. Measured in cm.
comments text None Comments about these measurements.
flat_wing_length double precision None Measurement from wrist to tip of primaries.